Simplifying the "To Do" List

franklin "to do" list - from his autobiography
franklin "to do" list - from his autobiography

I'm thinking about adopting Ben Franklin's approach to time management.  I like it's simplicity and intentionality.  Plus, he keeps his meals on schedule!

My favorite item is how he asks two questions daily:

One sets up the intentions - What good shall I do this day?

And the second evaluates the results - What good have I done today?

The questions draw actions to the forefront.  It's not enough to PLAN to do good, you actually have to execute on those intentions.  The first question is powerful because of the second question.

If "doing good" is all I accomplish on a given day, that's a win!

What good do you plan to do today? Be sure to check in at the end of the day just to make sure you did it!