No Expectations


"Expect nothing.Live frugally on surprise."Alice Walker

Someone tweeted this quote and stopped me in my tracks.

Expect NOTHING?  Really?

Zero. Nada. Zilch.

That sounds completely unrealistic.

Still, I've read lots of quotes along similar lines:

From the cynics ("Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed." ) to Shakespeare ("Expectation is the root of all heartache.") the sage advice is to lower your expectations for an easier, happier, more peaceful life.

The problem is I can't seem to remove something (expectations) and replace it with nothing (no expectations.)

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing...

I've never had a vision for what, precisely, should fill my lack of expectations.

Do I never depend on anyone for help?  Do I become fiercely independent and self-contained? Should I let others run all over me? How do I live without expecting things, people, circumstances to operate in a certain way?  Then I read the quote and it came to me.

The opposite of expectations isn't NO expectations.  The opposite of expectation is SURPRISE.

When you are surprised, everything that works is a joyful event; everything that doesn't work is an adventure.

When you are surprised, you see people as interesting stories to read and absorb, not to do your bidding.

When you are surprised, the world doesn't center around your demands; you bend to meet the needs of others.

When you walk through life expecting everything to conform to your demands, you're like Veruca Salt from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory  ("I want it NOW!") - spoiled, self-centered, and unpleasant company.  However, if you walk through life surprised by the gifts each day holds, you're more akin to the main character, Charlie - delighted, grateful, and a joy to others.

The word picture helps me remember.

I'm surprised I didn't think of it before.