How do you want to grow old?

"It's not how old you are, it's what you're doing at that age" Hy Snell

What are you going to be like when you're 30? 60? 90?

Have you given that any thought?  Can you imagine striving for excellence even while your eyesight is failing? Do you see yourself whistling a tune about your age and embracing your years of doing good work?

Hy Snell is a 94(and a 1/2!)-year-old painter who is working on creating his "best work."  He's a busy guy. In fact, he's too busy creating to explain the nuances of abstract art to a newbie, and he's perplexed about why his activities are interesting just because he's old.

And yet, they are interesting indeed!

Hy show us you're never too old to do good work, to live.

I hope you're inspired by Hy!  Now do some great work!