100 Happy Days, Take 2

We are heading off to spring break today, so this coming week will be re-posts from earlier musings. I hope you enjoy them even if you've seen them before.

That said, what IS coming back is the 100 Happy Days adventure on Instagram (please follow along!). It was so much fun last year I decided to do it again. I hope some of you will play along!

The post below explains it all!

Make it a great week...


“Say yes and you'll figure it out afterwards.”Tina Fey

I should be careful when I issue challenges.

Yesterday I encouraged everyone to ditch "no" and find ways to say "yes" instead.

Naturally, this made me sensitive to every question my kids asked and every opportunity that tugged at my heart.

I kept thinking, "yes, why not?"

Then I came across the 100 happy days challenge on my twitter feed.

You know, as well as I, that I'm a sucker for a list which combines fun and my personal interests (thus my dining list, and reading goals) and this one looked intriguing.

I clicked.  Then I clicked some more.

What I learned was a story about a guy, Dmitry, who discovered friends who were happy not because they strive for the greatest check mark in their achievement box, but because they celebrate and appreciate the little things in life.

Well, Dmitry decided to challenge himself to find one little thing every day for 100 days which made him happy.  Then he took it a step further and said he wanted to take a picture and share the bit of happiness with others.  He has challenged others to join along.

How could I not say yes?!

I'm sharing my posts on Instagram, beginning with a very happy moment with my parents hanging with my children.


I don't expect to blog about the process until it's finished (July 15th is my finish day), but feel free to follow along on Instagram.  MORE important, how about signing up yourself?

100 happy
100 happy

What was that?

I thought I heard some of you say yes...