Thriving Together
Some things get better with age (think wine and cheese!) and others just get old and tired.
Great marriages get better with age! Still, this doesn't mean that the process happens flawlessly or automatically. Actually, some of the challenges faced along the road of marriage (jobs, kids, finances) are the very elements that strengthen and bond you together.
If you are more than a few years down the road of marriage, we've collected these podcasts to help "tune-up" your marriage and spur some great conversations to be even better!

Like a vine growing without the steady hand of a gardener, every marriage has the potential of getting out of control. On today’s podcast we’ll discuss four stages that help both the newly and “oldy” weds make sure they are growing closer.
Life is difficult. This is a universal truth. However, some people seem particularly well-equipped when facing struggles. How does that happen? Are there secrets to enduring (or even thriving?) during challenges?
On today’s podcast we’ll discuss a handful of approaches for doing some prework.
There’s a principle in medicine to “First, do no harm.” This wisdom is surprisingly relevant to all relationships, particularly in a family setting. However, if you’re like us, sometimes our actions do, in fact, make things worse.
Why does this happen? How can we do better? That’s today’s discussion!
Here’s a fact that made us say “wow”: according to Pew Research, sharing household chores ranks as a top three issue associated with having a successful marriage (third only to faithfulness and good sex). This seems like something we can all master, right? That’s today’s podcast conversation!
How is your pace around the holidays? Do you feel like you are absorbing the joys? Or does it all feel like it’s a blur? In this episode we cover four reminders that will help your family make the season more meaningful.
For a host of reasons, the holidays can be rough on our schedule, our health, and particularly our relationships. Wouldn’t it be nice to make the upcoming holiday season a little smoother? In today’s podcast we tackle a few ways to let out the pressure!
No one likes to be picked at…but criticism is especially deadly in marriage. In this episode Billy & Joy challenge you to try and see your critical habits in the mirror and to consider the impact they have on your marriage.
Sometimes little things make a big difference – especially in marriage. In this week’s episode we kick around three ideas that can make all the difference in keeping your marriage strong (and fun!)
Marriages are complicated, subject to falling into ruts and disrepair. Discouragement is a natural byproduct when this happens. So how do we battle this trap? How do we find hope when challenges arise? Today’s podcast has a handful of helpful ideas to get you on track.