#148 - 5 Ways To Battle Discouragement In Marriage

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Between Parents

Marriages are complicated, subject to falling into ruts and disrepair. Discouragement is a natural byproduct when this happens. So how do we battle this trap? How do we find hope when challenges arise? Today’s podcast has a handful of helpful ideas to get you on track.

Talk about this:

Since this week's content is super action-focused, review the five starting points:

Recognizing seasons
Checking your habits
Finding brightspots
Leaning into community
Serving others

Consider the next thing you can do to move to a more encouraging time? Talk about it - if not with your spouse, then with whomever would encourage you to follow thru - then DO something!

Related links:

People who sort of look like Adam Sandler but aren’t Adam Sandler Facebook Group HERE

Episode #136 Keystone Habits HERE

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