- Parenting -
The Early Years
Bringing a new life into the world is no joke.
Some days are filled with the tireless urgency of bottles, diaper changes, and sleep schedules. Still, other days are carry the magnitude of what you've helped create... new life, immense potential, and a beautiful blessing above all others.
We recorded this set of podcasts with you in mind. Some are more strategic while others remind you to look to the big picture amid the thousands of parenting "brush strokes" you make each day.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” So says James Clear – and, we agree. But where do you start new habits in your family? We have a few VERY specific ideas for you on today’s podcast!
Have you ever told your kids they aren’t normal? Have you ever even THOUGHT it? Today we kick around the idea of “normalness” and that there may be a better and/or more precise word to use. Take a listen!
Have you ever considered how your fellow family members describe your family? Have you ever asked them what they think about when they think about each other? If you’ve ever told a classic family story (e.g., the time the car died, or the dog was lost) chances are you noticed how different the narrative is from one person to the next. In fact, for stories we don’t say out loud the narratives can vary even more wildly – and sometimes not in the best way. In today’s podcast we discuss how those stories can shape our family life and what to do if they go negative.
Chances are your kids know your flaws better than you do. Of course, they can’t (or won’t) put the most helpful words around those flaws, so we thought we’d give you a way into some insights. In fact, this episode gives you a dozen questions to think about, wrestle with, and squirm through as you own your flaws! Take a listen if you dare!!
Do you have a child who is wired so differently than you that you find yourself thinking, “Who IS this child of mine?” Do you ever wonder how to navigate those differences in a healthy way? If so, then you’ll find today’s podcast particularly helpful! Take a listen or pass along to anyone who might relate!
Inevitably, every parent faces moments of discouragement. But when these moments come, what’s the best way through the challenge? How do you find the support and wisdom you need to thrive? Check out today’s discussion on Between Parents!
Have you ever noticed how many details kids forget about their childhood? Developmentally, kids have to forget old things so they can learn new things. But what happens to all of those happy memories? Well, that’s where parents come in. Today’s podcast is about the little known job parents have to be the “keepers of happiness.”
School days are right around the corner, which often feels like a blessing, but can also feel like a curse. So how do you make the most of the school year? Today’s episode is a great place to start with eight reminders for every family with school-aged children!
Are you bored at home? Does the monotony of your routine zap all of your enthusiasm for parenting? You are not alone! We polled our listeners and compiled their best ideas for beating the monotony and enjoying the days more. Although this list may not be groundbreaking, each idea is a reminder that there are ways to find joy in the little moments and small wins of each day.