#154 - Uncovering Family Narrative

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Between Parents

Have you ever considered how your fellow family members describe your family? Have you ever asked them what they think about when they think about each other? If you’ve ever told a classic family story (e.g., the time the car died, or the dog was lost) chances are you noticed how different the narrative is from one person to the next. In fact, for stories we don’t say out loud the narratives can vary even more wildly – and sometimes not in the best way. In today’s podcast we discuss how those stories can shape our family life and what to do if they go negative.

Related Links:

Episode # 147- How Storytelling Impacts a Kid's Happiness

Episode # 99- Asking kids better questions

Episode #86- 60 Conversation Starters For Family Meal time

Episode #115- Making family meals worthwhile

Episode #131- Question Grab Bag 

Talk about this:

Are you aware of each other's narratives? Where are they the same? How do they differ?

What are some specific steps you can take to uncover the narratives of your kids?

How can you build habits into your family that bring out the best narratives?

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