You should think about this one thing

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought;and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”GK Chesterton


If you want to double your happiness today, try doubling your gratitude.

Be thankful for your food AND for the mess it leaves behind.

Appreciate your children sleeping AND singing that annoying song AGAIN.

Love your spouse's thoughtfulness AND their forgetfulness.

Express thankfulness for your work AND the challenges it brings.

Be grateful for the car AND its assorted broken features.

The list of things you appreciate should always be longer than the list of complaints.  Thankfulness is, indeed, the highest form of thought.

And so today I want my attitude to be marked by happiness, sprinkled with a double dose of wonder!

How about you?  How will you approach today?

Aside - isn't my niece the cutest pregnant girl?!!  I am SO thankful for her and her husband's visit this weekend!!