Start Before You're Ready


I have a friend, let's call him "John,"  who, although he had a long-time girlfriend, would never admit he was scared to get married. John, who was in his late 40's, shrugged off questions about when he would propose by saying,"I don't think I'm ready."

When that answer wouldn't suffice he would say, "I'm planning to propose when I get back from Japan!" The startled inquisitor would follow up with the natural question,  "When are you going to Japan?" John then would deadpan, "Oh, I'm not going to Japan!"

Everyone, except his girlfriend, was amused.

The truth was, John was never going to be "ready" to get married.  Marriage isn't something you're "ready" for any more than you're "ready" to have kids, or move, or make any significant change.

If you wait for "ready," you'll never move.

What are you waiting for?  Really?

Are you waiting for the fear to subside?  Will you be ready then?

Mark Twain's famous quote is right, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.”

Don't expect to be ready.  Instead, look fear in the eye, move past the fear, and start.

Now is a great time of the year to begin!

What are you waiting for?