Random Learnings: Thanksgiving Edition

Are you ready to tie your Thanksgiving on? I can't WAIT for Patty's stuffing, the beautiful drive up the California coast, and the time to catch up with West Coast family.  While the specifics around Thanksgiving festivities are all over the map, there seem to be a few things that bring everyone together.  Some of them surprised me...

Thanksgiving : A Running Day

I read this weekend in the Wall St. Journal that Thanksgiving Day is the #1 day for road races?

Really? Yes!

All of you "Turkey Trotters" are putting the rest of us couch people to shame.  Still, it makes a ton of sense to work out in the morning so you can bring your best appetite to the table!  I applaud your initiative (but of course, I won't be joining you...)

turkey trot
turkey trot

Turkey Doesn't Make You Sleepy


True story.  Most meats have tryptophan (turkey has no more than other kinds of meat) and while this chemical can induce sleep, it usually only happens on an empty stomach.  You're probably just sleepy on Thanksgiving because of the carbs! (Or Dallas football...)

That's A LOT of birds!


I knew we ate a bunch of turkeys this time of year, but I didn't realize we consume the weight of 10 (TEN!!) Empire State Buildings?  Yep.  Or Yikes? 

A Three-Day Feast

Turkey joy
Turkey joy

The original Thanksgiving was a three-day feast, so if you ever feel like your celebration is too long, feel free to extend the  time at the table! At least we have a four-day weekend!!

Mary Had A Little Lamb

Sarah Josepha Hale was the woman who finally convinced Abraham Lincoln to create a national Thanksgiving holiday for the country.  She spent 17 years selling this idea after failing with four President's prior to Lincoln.  I love her tenacity!

I also love that she's also known for writing the nursery rhyme "Mary had a Little Lamb." (A fact I picked up during my son's Thanksgiving play!)

Would she have been as excited for the holiday if the main course had been mutton chops?



On The Road Again!

Team Phenix hits two of the world's busiest airports during the busiest weeks of the year (ATL/LAX), and we've discovered that there's no better place than an airport to express gratitude NO MATTER what!

Look out for us and say hi if you're on the road too!!


No matter where you're heading, I wish for you a grateful heart!