Making Your Days Count

counting days
counting days

A month ago I wrote a post (here) about how my husband and I have found an app to help us number the days with our kids. The response to that post has been interesting; some people like the idea of numbering their days, but many do not. I've been told it's "depressing" to dwell on how quickly time passes. One person said, "I'd rather not think about it and just live my life." I bit my tongue and refrained from shaking my  head; everyone has to face mortality in their own way, but I couldn't disagree more.

I'm in Moses' camp, who in the Hebrew scriptures prayed, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90)  I WANT to look at each day as unique, as a gift to be treasured and embraced. I appreciate knowing the speed of life because it makes me appreciate the day ahead.

How do I do that?  How do I raise my awareness?

Watching this video certainly helps!

How much time we have in jellybeans. Share on FB :: (U can add a note) Tweet This :: (U can change the tweet) music : data :

Now if only there was something I could do about shortening my commute!