Instagram Wins

Have you ever played Rock, Paper, Scissors? If so, you know Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock. (Click here for the complete rules).  It's a fabulous technique for making decisions. I've seen this game of chance decide who has to change a kid's diaper, who has to take out the garbage, or where to eat dinner.

I keep thinking there has to be a similar way to set up social media hierarchy.

Perhaps it could look like this: Twitter beats Facebook. Instagram beats Twitter. Facebook beats Instagram.

Unfortunately, the formula doesn't hold.  Instagram is the problem child because in real life Instagram wins.

Images beat words.  Every. Time.

You know I love Twitter for the same reason I love good books (25 reasons here!), but Instagram love is more akin to loving a yummy dessert, a perfect morsel of happiness.

Of course I follow friends who document their lives as they happen.  I sincerely love the shots of morning coffee, napping children, and trouble-making dogs.  I love being part of summer travels, misadventures on the highways, and beautiful sunsets.  However, I also have an entirely different category of people I follow who are strangers to me, but who have a talent for humor, beauty, or design.

If you aren't on Instagram, or don't yet follow people you don't know, I thought I'd share a few of my favorites.

The Professional Photographers


You know how I adore surfing, so I couldn't stay away from Clark Little.  One warning.  If you struggle with jealousy over people who live in paradise, this guy will make it worse!I also love following Jeremy Cowart to see his latest projects.

The Adventurers


The first random person I followed, Halno, is a perpetual favorite because of his amazing jumping shots.  Love this guy and his team!  I just wish I read Japanese so I could track with the comments! My sister-in-law turned me on to "Find Momo" adventurer Andrew Knapp.  He and his Border Collie travel across North America and hide in clever places.  I know it's random, but it's also strangely interesting! 

The Artists


Picasso famously said, β€œart washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life,” and so I love when artists share their work on Instagram and wash away some of the everyday dust.  Among my favorites are The Sketch Effect which routinely illustrates great quotes with fun imagery.Brock Davis doesn't post often, but when he does, his take on ordinary objects is extraordinary!Javier Perez is an artist from Equador who posts both pictures and videos which are usually simple drawings and are wildly clever. You'll love following this guy!

Just For Fun


I don't follow many celebrities, but Jimmy Fallon makes me laugh so I can't NOT follow!


Plus Fallon has a cute dog!I also follow Grandma Betty as she battles cancer with a humor that is both inspiring and courageous!I even follow a hedgehog!  I told you this was a random list!


There's a wide array of "everyone else" - chefs, travelers, and random people I love, but the quality of the pictures and/or the quotes is what keeps me inspired!  My final sample of an amazing feed, Humans of NY.  My friend Katie recommended the "follow" and the pictures with commentaries are as varied as the people of NY. Some thoughts are happy, while others are not.  I love the diversity.

Who has such an amazing eye that you follow them?