Hurricane Sandy on Bikes

New York filmmaker Casey Neistat (creator of the infamous "iPod's Dirty Secret") attempts to capture a huge variety of New York life, so it's no surprise that he threw caution to the wind and explored downtown Manhattan during Hurricane Sandy.  His images are unique in that they capture the speed and sound of the water carving its path wherever it could. There's something eerie about the film, which I can't really explain.

I'm curious if you pick up on it as well...

like me on do not try this.

Hurricane Sandy on Bikes in NYC from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

Although we're seeing the news reports from lower Manhattan, the real story of the devastation on Long Island and New Jersey isn't as visible.  However, the suffering is even greater there.

Remember to pray for our neighbors in the northeast.  Ask yourself or your friends who have been slammed by Sandy, "How can I help?"