Hump Day & Making it Count


" Do one thing every day that scares you."   - Elenore Roosevelt

Team Phenix went west for Spring Break this year.  We had such an incredible time with family that we knew "re-entry" to real life would be tough.   Right on cue, on Monday morning my son dutifully sat at breakfast sobbing, "I just don't want to go back to school.  I really don't."

I knew how he felt.

To be honest, it feels like it's taken every last bit of energy to get to hump day.  Sometimes I feel as though I have to drag myself over the Friday finish line, but I shouldn't need to push it so hard to get to Wednesday.  I blame it on spending too much time playing smashball last week.   I've lost my mental toughness.

But here we are.  Hump day it is.   As a "survivor," I've taken a quick inventory of what it takes to get two entire work days under my belt (yes, my tongue is in my cheek), and here's what helps me:

  • Some days I need a little extra encouragement from friends(especially when rolling off of a vacation week).
  • Most days my family lifts me up with their humor and support.
  • Other days I just need to dig deep and find an attitude that's worth keeping.
  • And as trivial as it sounds, there are times when I need to eat a proper meal so I don't get so "Hangry."

However, one of the most encouraging things are those stories which cast a bigger vision.  I post a lot of videos on this site because they inspire me to play, they make me laugh, they encourage me to give more.  Today, I hope you'll be encouraged by this video where a couple of guys "Make it Count" by taking money from Nike and NOT making a film about sports.

If you've got 4-ish minutes, check this out.  The quotes alone are worth it.

Make It Count from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

Congratulations on making it to hump day.  Make it Count. Raise some Cain.