49 of Life’s Most Under-Rated Pleasures
This morning I boiled an egg. I do this many mornings, but today when I peeled the egg, after a firm crack against the counter, the shell easily peeled off in 3-4 pieces leaving only the glistening white behind. Gorgeous!
The experience reminded me of dog efficiently shaking water off his coat; it was a joy to watch.
I stopped and showed my husband the egg and, since he often peels eggs and takes chunks of white off in the process, he properly admired the accomplishment.
Perhaps this sounds odd. Maybe you’re more difficult to impress, but after some thought, I realize there’s oodles of under-rated pleasures in life. In fact, with little effort, I’ve started a list of my own.
This list isn’t the major, obvious things for which I am grateful (my family, health, or home) or even the “duh” things for which everyone is grateful (warm cookies, the cool side of the pillow, or broken-in cowboy boots), but the more random things which put a little pep in my step.
See if any of these are on YOUR list:
- A deep, head-to-toe, stretching yawn
- Cinnamon & Sugar evenly melting into toast
- A clean golf ball
- Knowing the answer to a question
- A ripe avocado
- Freeing a popcorn kernel from between your teeth
- Finding a match for every sock in the laundry
- An accurate map
- A new bra
- Freshly cleaned teeth
- A great analogy
- Fluffy scrambled eggs
- Seeing a perfect double play
- A preheated charcoal grill (or egg!) that someone OTHER than me has prepared
- Finding a geo-cache
- A deep, loud burp
- Pens whose ink flows evenly
- Crisp chicken skin
- The person in front of you NOT putting their seat back
- Cleaning the hair from your brush and having it all come out in one piece
- And the corollary of the one above, having the dryer lint come out in one piece
- Camp fire smoke blowing away from you
- White pants that are still white at the end of the day
- Hearing your kids say please and/or thank you without a reminder
- “Butterfly kisses”
- Slivers of basil on anything
- Breaking a pocket on a starched shirt
- Having enough grocery bags when you go shopping
- A lasting pedicure
- Tide pens
- An apt word picture
- Having a gate ready when the plane arrives
- Balloons
- A non-stick pan that lives up to its name
- Having enough shampoo to finish the job when the bottle runs out
- Fresh butter
- Sorting Lego pieces
- A satisfying book ending
- Cracking open a peanut and dropping the shell on the ground
- A well-timed phone call
- When you peel a “cutie” in one piece
- An email that says, "disregard my earlier request, it’s been handled"
- Finding the “missing” puzzle piece
- A dog that plays “fetch”
- When there’s no mistake in your/you’re, it/it’s, there/their in what I’m reading
- Watermelon Jolly Ranchers
- Stretching
- A fully charged cell phone
- When the middle of the book is the end of the middle chapter and the middle page numbers (I really like when this happens! Am I alone?)
I realize my list is uneven, so what should be #50?