25 Ways Kids Would Change The World

I think my kids are defective. I don't know how they got that way, but they can't seem to remember simple instructions like "put away your shoes" or "turn off the light when you leave the room."  They seem to have little to no capacity to recall straight forward instructions on tidiness, and they will spend an entire meal with ketchup on their face and not even think about wiping it off.

My husband says I've forgotten what I was like when I was a kid. I'm worried he might be right. In fact, I spent a good bit of this week thinking about how the world would be different if kids were setting priorities and making decisions.

As it turns out, I think they'd make a TON of changes. Here are some new "rules" that came to mind (in no particular order).

1. Take more adventures with flashlights.

2. Make napkins optional.

3. Always use goggles in the pool.

4. Bring your stuffed animals  along.

5. Always try to make a splash.

6. Use dogs for transportation.

7. Watch TV with company.

8. Be adventurous with fro yo.

9. Make art EVERY day.

10. Sell lemonade.

11. Wear hats.

12. Build forts.

13. Let the dog sleep on the bed.

14. Wear tiaras even if others think you’re strange.

15. Be more creative in “reusing” boxes.

16. Celebrate Christmas every 4 months.

17. Make babies the center of attention.

18. Prioritize cousin time.

19. Don't stress when the ride moves in circles.

20. Establish popcorn as a critical part of every diet.

21. Make brushes optional.

22. Ride bikes everywhere.

23. Read outside.

24. Hold hands and play in the fountains.

25. Jump in!  Even in your clothes! Chose Adventure NOW!

On second thought, maybe my kids aren't defective. Maybe I spend too much time making things neat and tidy and not enough time getting messy and living life with a childlike heart.

How well do you embrace life's joys?

Give it some thought this weekend and maybe even go for a bike ride!