#65 - Balancing Freedom & Responsibility

Have you ever noticed how quickly kids disconnect their desire for freedom with their ability to be responsible? In today’s podcast Billy and Joy offer some tips for making sure there’s a link between what a child wants and their ability to assume responsibility.


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Joy PhenixParenting
#64 - Talking To Kids About Temptation

How do you teach your kids to delay gratification? How do you articulate why waiting for something is better than having it immediately? What’s your plan for equipping your children for dealing with a lifetime of temptation?

In this episode Billy and Joy review approaches to these questions and encourage you to keep taming the appetites that can control old and young alike! 

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#63 - Coming to Grips with Imperfection

When our kids are little, it’s easy to understand how attitudes and dispositions are “just a phase.” But somewhere between 10-14 there’s a shift and we recognize that a “phase” may actually be a more permanent feature. In today’s episode Billy and Joy discuss settling up with our kid’s flaws and adjusting our approach to the kids we have, not to the kids we dreamed about!

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#62 - 101 Fun Things to do as a Family

Bored much? Tapped out of ideas for family fun?

Well, THIS episode will solve that problem! Check out 101 things your family can do together. Some are aspirational and will take focused attention (#72) while others are easy to accomplish any day of the week (#28, 33, or 83).

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Joy PhenixParenting
#59 - Ten Parent Profiles: Which will you be?

Imagine a teacher, coach, or neighbor describing your parenting profile, what terms would they use? Are they positive or negative descriptions? In this episode Billy and Joy review ten parenting profiles – five negative and five positive. Think of them as coins with a distinct flip side! However, when if comes to parenting, YOU get to pick what side your coin lands on. What do you choose?


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Joy PhenixParenting
#53 - Parenting with a Positive Vision

Don’t think about elephants!

But what do you think about the moment you read the sentence? Yup… elephants!

The mind can’t process negatives so saying, “don’t” doesn’t help. Yet as parents telling our kids “don’t” do something is standard practice. Is it possible to give a more positive vision? Billy and Joy offer some practical ideas in today’s podcast.

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Joy PhenixParenting
#52 - How Family of Origin Impacts Your Marriage

Have you ever looked at your spouse cross-eyed and wondered, “Why are you like that?” only to meet their family and then understand? In this episode Billy and Joy talk about how our family of origin impacts our marriage and why we need to get this connections out in the open. They discuss triggers and how to build empathy through understanding our background.

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Joy PhenixMarriage
#49 - Defining Your Family's Story

What if you had to summarize your life story in a few brief statements – what would you say? Consider the headlines of your life; milestones that rise to the level of being noted. What if you were to reverse engineer your life, how you raise your kids and the way you treat your marriage based on the milestones you want to hit? In today’s episode, Billy and Joy talk through four things to consider for your family's story.

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Joy Phenix