#122 - Reframing Valentine's Day

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Between Parents

Do you love or hate Valentine’s Day? We are surprised how many people fall into the loathing camp! Perhaps it’s time to reframe this holiday and make it fun again. Today’s podcast gives you five ways to make that happen!

Talk About This:

Ask your spouse what they think their love language is...gifts/physical touch/words of affirmation/acts of service/quality time

Ask your spouse if they feel like Valentine's Day fills them up or drains them.

Talk about how you would MOST like to acknowledge the day (OR NOT) - remember - if it's a stressful thing, then you're not doing it right. We should ENJOY CELEBRATIONS ; ) - and that can mean simply letting them pass OR buying a box of chocolates.

Related Links:

The Five Love Languages By Gary Chapman HERE

Waffle House Valentine’s Day HERE

Also remember:

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Thanks for being awesome!