#40 - The One Piece of Data That Blew Our Minds

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Between Parents

In this episode Billy & Joy discuss the fact from the blog post, The Tail End, that points out that by the time you graduate from high school you will have used 93% of the face-to-face time you have with your parents.

Feel free to re-read that sentence. Doesn’t that stop you in your tracks?

What are the implications to this fact? Get the conversation started with this episode.

Talk about this: 

How intentional are your priorities? What needs to change?

In what moments, environments, and practices does conversation & connection flourish? When and where is it a challenge?

Imagine that moment your kids pack up and head to college. What does that moment look and feel like if it is regret-free?

Related(ish) Links:

Shoe-tossing as per Wikipedia

Tim Urban blog post The Tail End

Tim Ferriss interview quote.

Calendar Countdown apps here.

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