#112 - Building Emotional Intelligence In Your Family

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Between Parents

Have you ever met an academically smart person who doesn't connect well with others? Or someone who frequently misses the emotions of those around them? A lack of Emotional Intelligence is often to blame. Fortunately, these skills can be learned and strengthened. The BEST time to improve your abilities is now, and the place is in a family setting.

Next Steps:

Process the idea of EI by taking a few steps:

First, conduct an honest self-evaluation and rank yourself on Emotional Intelligence - give yourself a # between 1-10 (don't pick 7!)

Next, ask someone you trust to give you feedback on what you do that would argue for both a HIGHER and a LOWER number

Finally, apply this idea to your family: - How do you think your family's specific personalities lend themselves to Emotional Intelligence?

How does your family do with presenting their emotions well... or with empathy for each other? - What are some of the opportunities to practice this and become better?

Related Links:

Episode #71 Showing Emotion To Your Kids

Harvard Business Review - Emotional Intelligence 12 Elements

Feelings Inventory PDF

Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg (Joy references this frequently!)

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