#165 - 9 Ways To Encourage Other Parents

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Between Parents

Have you noticed (or felt) a low-level of parent fatigue? Are you familiar with the dazed expression of someone who is feeling overwhelmed? Well, now is as good a time as any to remember things we can do to encourage our community. Today’s podcast offers nine practical ways to lighten up the load of others and find a little encouragement yourself.

Related Links:

Episode # 89 – Why Married Couples Need Single Friends (and Vise Versa)

Episode # 42 – The Most Powerful Question in Marriage

Practice This:

Identify 2-3 parents that you can invest in for the next few weeks - then make a plan to use your words of encouragement

If you have someone in mind who could use some presence - either in the form of listening - or actually helping with life's logistics, make a plan to SHOW UP!

Also remember:

Sharing is caring!!  If you’ve enjoyed this episode please share! You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts. This is SUPER helpful in helping others find our show.

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Thanks for being awesome!